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Legalization of Medical Cannabis: Stakeholder Perspectives
Canada’s Public Health Approach to the Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis
Eric Costen
What’s the plan to ensure patients do not buy from the recreational market to save on cost?
What role should Health Canada play in provinces who are developing very restrictive policies?
Why has cannabis been legalized as of age 18 if its greatest risks are for people under 25?
How will Canada prevent the smuggling of untaxed cannabis from First Nations stores?
Medical Regulatory Authorities
Fleur-Ange Lefebvre
Why are Colleges not obtaining lists of prescribing doctors from licensed producers?
Do the MRAs desire to relook at some of their policies regarding medical cannabis?
Cannabis: A CMA Perspective
Jeff Blackmer, MD, MHCS, FRCPC
Cannabis in Canada: Implications for Nursing
Josette Roussel, RN
What resources exist to help prepare nurses for cannabis legalization?
Will the CNA collaborate with the CMA to provide literature to nurses?
Why does the CNA support two streams and the CMA support one?
Medical Cannabis - Implications for Pharmacists
Shelita Dattani, BSc. Phm., Pharm. D
Have there been public safety issues with the current LP distribution system?
Who will look out for patients taking medication and using cannabis recreationally?
Will the type of cannabis the pharmacist should dispense be more clearly indicated?
Patient Perspective: Legalization
Jonathan Zaid
Are you aware that Sun Life is covering medical cannabis?
Will people divert from the recreational to the medical market to avoid paying taxes?